It's all about winning, says most of the toddler moms off of TLC's toddlers and tiarras. Winning includes getting the sparkling crowns, the satan sashes, the top titles, and of course the cash. After three years, the viewers and skeptics of this tv show are finally starting to realize that these moms go too far to get their child to win. Things like fake tans, fill-in teeth, extensions, and paddings to fill there daughters out more are just some of the extremes the mothers and sometimes fathers purchase and use to dress up their daughters in order for them to win. The show often seems like the mothers are living through their daughters, whether the daughters like it or not. This is often the case with alot of children, many parents involve their child in sports or activities becuase it is what they "never got to do," and this show is clearly making the point and successfully proving this to viewers.
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