A new rule that has been adapted at Palmetto High School this year is that students are allowed to use cell phones and iPods before, after, and during lunch at school. This rule change has been in the talks for a long time now, since students in previous years were constanly caught using and sneaking their cell phones in the middle of classes and lunchs, often times using excuses like having to go to the restroom, or to the office so they can sneak a look at their missed calls and reply to their texts. However, it is only the third week of school and there are already problems brewing with this new rule. Also there has been some adjustments. Last week students observed painters that were painting different sets of thick red lines around the perimeters of the cafeteria and the courtyard area. These red lines stand for the boundaries where students can and cannot use their cell phones while they are at lunch, and also before and after school. This is a problem because there are students starting to get into trouble with accidently breaking this rule unknowingly via administration because there has been no announcement or advertisement of this new rule. If a rule change is going to be adjusted this quickly after schoool starts, students at Palmetto High School need to be acceptable and open to change with a positive, mature, and responsible outlook even with this new relaxed rules such as being able to use cell phones.
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