Monday, October 10, 2011

Friends in High School

 In high school, there is a very important social aspect that makes getting through the day a little easier: friends. Depending on the friends you have basically says a lot about you, no matter how much someone disagrees at that statement. Who your friends are, or what group you are in determines your reputation, how you are perceived to act, and expected to do. However, so many people get wrapped up in silly little dramas that affect their friendships and who their friend groups are. People these days do not realize how important friendships really are, and how much they help you throughout life. People lose friends in all kinds of ways, over drama like boyfriends and girlfriends, and hearing that people talk about them behind their back. Yes, I admit there are always going to be those people in life that you are better off without, but so many people including myself over analyze things by being ignorant and making a huge deal out of nothing instead of looking past the little things. 
 We need friends in happy times and sad times because “True friends will be there for you through the good times and the bad” even though that quote is way over used, it is ridiculously true. Your friends are often way more accepting of you than even you are of yourself, yet they make us realize when we are at fault when we fail to realize it ourselves. Friends are one of the few people we can tell our darkest secrets to, and trust just as much as we trust family members. I am so thankful for the friends I have, they keep me on the right track and help make me a better person, my friends have  made me realize that the bottom line is: Bestfriends are priceless, and you need to do what you can to keep them. 

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